Credit: Mary (@BocaChicaGal on Twitter) for NASASpaceflight
Following Starship's stacking test, both Ship 20 and Booster 4 rolled back to the production site for finishing work. There, some Starship heat shield tiles were repaired and replaced. They were also mysteriously colors coded. Last week, Ship 20 rolled back out to the launch site. Yesterday, it was lifted onto Suborbital Pad B yesterday. Testing is scheduled to start August 24. After testing, it will be restacked on Booster 4 and then launch!
Well they take their time...
The road closures haven't been used for S20, but for GSE4 test tank instead. I'm not quite sure what they're doing with the TPS tiles at the moment. Why do they need to replace so many?
When do you think Starship will launch to orbit?